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Patent searching
Patent law varies between countries and many products are patented in some countries and not in others. The technical details of a patent may be recorded in several different places. Our skill lies in knowing the best places to look as there is no definitive repository of world wide patent information.

Patents and product registrations represent a large bank of technical information which is useful for many purposes but frequently remains untapped. FindTech staff have a particular strength in researching this area. If your clients are seeking technical information from, or wish to challenge, existing patents, our experienced staff can assist in providing the widest search coverage of the data available.

Findtech can also provide you with existing patents and translations, monitor newly granted patents and tell you who else is seeking patents in your particular area of activity.

Please be aware that patent searching is a complex activity and we a would advise potential clients to call us for a free discussion of their needs.

Note: FindTech is not a patent agent and does not give advice on patent applications.


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